What does workers’ comp cover: All you should know

What does workers’ comp cover: All you should know

Workers’ compensation is one of the most important benefits available to employees who suffer an injury while on the job. It provides financial relief to injured workers by replacing lost wages, paying for medical expenses, and providing other forms of compensation. Knowing what workers’ comp covers, and how it works, can help you make sure you receive the full benefits owed to you in the event of a workplace injury.

Workers’ compensation insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is designed to provide medical and wage replacement benefits to employees who are injured during the course of their employment.

Employers must either obtain a policy from a licensed insurance company or choose to self-insure in order to provide these benefits. The coverage typically includes payment for medical bills and lost wages, as well as rehabilitation costs and death benefits for employee dependents. In general, workers’ comp does not cover intentional acts or negligence by an employer or employee.

Medical Benefits:

Workers’ comp coverage typically includes all reasonable medical expenses that are related to the work-related injury or illness, including doctor’s visits, medications, hospital stays, physical therapy, and any necessary diagnostic tests. This coverage also extends to medically necessary travel expenses that are related to treatment for a work-related injury or illness.

Wage Replacement:

Lost wages can be exceptionally difficult for injured workers who rely on every paycheck they receive in order to pay their bills and support their families. Workers’ comp may provide wage replacement at two-thirds of an employee’s average weekly salary up to a maximum amount per week set by the state where they were working at the time of their injury. This can be extremely helpful in covering living expenses while an employee is temporarily unable to work because of their injury or illness.

Rehabilitation Benefits:

Some states offer rehabilitation services as part of a workers’ comp claim such as vocational training if an employee cannot return to their pre-injury job due to permanent impairments caused by their injury or illness. This type of benefit helps employees reenter the workforce with new skills so they can find another job that pays similar wages despite any lingering disabilities from their work-related injuries or illnesses.

Death Benefits:

In cases where a workplace accident results in death, certain family members may be eligible for death benefits through workers’ comp in some states. These benefits typically include funeral costs and may also provide income replacement for dependents such as spouses, children, or parents who relied upon the deceased employee’s income before their death.

In conclusion, knowing what is covered under your employers’ workers’ comp plan can ensure that you receive permanent disability compensation and all of the financial assistance you need if you are ever injured on the job due to an accident or occupational illness. While no one wants this type of event to ever happen at the workplace but if it does occur then understanding what you are entitled should be your first priority and make sure that your rights are protected throughout this process so that you get all your deserved benefit packages under workers’ comp coverage plan offered by your employer!